Well, our Easter started off great! Shawn's mom and sister came up on Friday to visit, and my mom and dad came on Saturday. We had a lovely brunch around 11:30 on Saturday morning before I had to go to church to sing for the 6 services we were having over the weekend. Shawn brought my parents and the boys to church for the first service at 3pm - so these first pics are of the boys in their adorable Easter outfits!
Shawn had to go out of town on business . . . again, and of all days he had to leave, they shipped him out of Indy on a flight bound for Jacksonville at 8:15 Easter morning, so my parents stayed to help me out with the other 3 boys while I was at church.
So, I get through the first of our 3 services this morning, and I get a call on my cell phone around 9:15 telling me I need to get home and take Grant to the hospital. He decided to jump off our steps about 5 stairs up from our ceramic tile entryway (what is it with that particular staircase in our house - it's cursed!!!) His foot apparently got tangled up at the gate we keep across our stairs and he landed head first onto the tile. He couldn't walk and was dizzy, so that raised concerns. The goose"egg" he received over his right eye actually looks great in these pictures compared to what it looked like when I first got home (and may I say, I made it home in record time from the church - I was actually hoping to get pulled over so I could get a police escort the rest of the way home!!!). Anyway, I took him over to St. V's Children's Emergency Room off 86th - cuz' almost everyone who knows me knows I RAVE about that ER - they are absolutely phenomenal with the kids, just amazing!!! They did a Cat Scan just to make sure he didn't have any internal bleeding, and sent us home a few hours later! Luckily he's going to be fine, but he won't be LOOKING fine for a good week or two!
It just reminds me that the suffering my child just went through was nothing compared to the suffering God watched his child - Jesus Christ - go through! Pretty appropriate I think that on the day God's one and only son rose from the dead, my son also rose from that hospital bed with a clean bill of health - in more ways than one!!! A day to praise God indeed!!!
Happy Easter everyone - may you have a blessed week. Don't forget to take the time to thank God for what he's given you. Even through the trials of life, there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel - no matter how far a road you have to travel to get there. Grant's tunnel was short... Evan's tunnel stretches years and years and is still ongoing, but we still see the light far off in the distance for him, and we're stronger knowing God walks that path with us!
Love you all!!!
My 3 little Easter darlings!
With the Easter Bunny cake my mom made.
Me and my boys!
"Hmmmm, does this goose egg look like my Easter egg???"
Quite the shiner - you should've seen it a few hours ago!!! When it first happened, he couldn't even open his eye!
Shawn had to go out of town on business . . . again, and of all days he had to leave, they shipped him out of Indy on a flight bound for Jacksonville at 8:15 Easter morning, so my parents stayed to help me out with the other 3 boys while I was at church.
So, I get through the first of our 3 services this morning, and I get a call on my cell phone around 9:15 telling me I need to get home and take Grant to the hospital. He decided to jump off our steps about 5 stairs up from our ceramic tile entryway (what is it with that particular staircase in our house - it's cursed!!!) His foot apparently got tangled up at the gate we keep across our stairs and he landed head first onto the tile. He couldn't walk and was dizzy, so that raised concerns. The goose"egg" he received over his right eye actually looks great in these pictures compared to what it looked like when I first got home (and may I say, I made it home in record time from the church - I was actually hoping to get pulled over so I could get a police escort the rest of the way home!!!). Anyway, I took him over to St. V's Children's Emergency Room off 86th - cuz' almost everyone who knows me knows I RAVE about that ER - they are absolutely phenomenal with the kids, just amazing!!! They did a Cat Scan just to make sure he didn't have any internal bleeding, and sent us home a few hours later! Luckily he's going to be fine, but he won't be LOOKING fine for a good week or two!
It just reminds me that the suffering my child just went through was nothing compared to the suffering God watched his child - Jesus Christ - go through! Pretty appropriate I think that on the day God's one and only son rose from the dead, my son also rose from that hospital bed with a clean bill of health - in more ways than one!!! A day to praise God indeed!!!
Happy Easter everyone - may you have a blessed week. Don't forget to take the time to thank God for what he's given you. Even through the trials of life, there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel - no matter how far a road you have to travel to get there. Grant's tunnel was short... Evan's tunnel stretches years and years and is still ongoing, but we still see the light far off in the distance for him, and we're stronger knowing God walks that path with us!
Love you all!!!
Ouch! You're boys are such daredevils! Fearless. Where do they get that? After your very eventful weekend, I hope you take it easy and relax a bit. Are we still on for tomorrow? Is Shawn still out of town? Happy Easter!
Love ya.
Yikes! Just saw the pics online. I'm never leaving town again! :) Hurts us more than it hurts him, that's for sure. Miss you!!! -Daddy
Oh, poor thing! That looks really painful!!!
Oooh Beth!!!!
Poor lil' Grant!!!! What a brave little trooper he is!! I SO admire your positive outlook ~ in the midst of such a scary event, your ability to see the redemption is amazing!!
Your insight into the pain & torture that Christ suffered 3 days before His resurrection & the grief of His Father, witnessing His only Son suffer such indescribable pain ~ all I can say Beth, is WOW! You're an amazing woman & you truly inspire me!! I hope you know that!!! ;) When you forget what a beautiful daughter of the King you are, I will be here to remind you! :)
I'm so sorry for Grant's shiner! He definitely put that blue Easter eggs to shame, huh? ;) I'm thankful that his CT scan was clear & that you were able to (hopefully) breath a little easier for the remainder of Easter Sunday. ;)
Reading your account of panic as you "flew" home from church, reminded me of a very similar incident that happened to us, back on Friday evening ~ 10/6/06. I went out to get my nails done, when Bri called me on my cell & said "Wen, you need to come home NOW! Something is wrong w/ Dakota!!" I dropped the bottle of nail polish that I was picking out & even thought I was 37 wks. pregant w/ Noah & I managed to BOLT (ok ~ waddle? LOL) out of the salon & drove home like a crazy woman! Like you, I was hoping to get stopped by a cop so that I could get home even faster! I was @ 116th & Allisonville & I actually got there before the ambulance did, & they were only 2.2 miles down 131st, from our house!! :( It turned out that Dakota was having a seizure & we chose for the ambulance to take us to St. V's Children's on 86th ~ (I'm with ya ~ they are a GREAT HOSPITAL for kids!) We spent the next 3 days w/ him in the PICU.
I bet it just broke Shawn's heart that he couldn't be there with his wife & his lil' man! :(
I'll be praying that Grant bounces back to his happy, playful self in no time, esp. so that he can enjoy your vacation & all of the fun that you have planned!!
I'm praying for you all! ;)
I love you Sister-Girl!
p.s. You sounded & looked absolutely gorgeous up on stage, on Saturday! ;)
Oh poor Grant. What a story. I am glad he is ok and hope his shiner starts getting better soon. It seems with boys there is always someone getting hurt. From the sounds of it -- sounds like you have been to the ER more than once.
At least you got that beautiful picture BEFORE the wipeout!! Now you just have to photoshop Shawn in!!
Love ya,
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