Wow - I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since I've posted a blog - guess I've been slipping (which is probably due more to Facebook than anything else), so for those of you not on Facebook, I apologize!
Here are just a few things we've been up to since the last post... and I'll try and keep y'all caught up!
After my niece Riley was born on 9/17, my mom & dad and Blake and I took off on an airplane the first weekend in October to visit the newest addition. Here is a pic of Blake holding Riley - aren't they cute!!!
Blake also got some good quality cousin time in with his only boy cousin Kyle.
Grant finally became of Cub Scout - he's pretty proud of this uniform and has already memorized more than I ever thought he was capable of, I see an Eagle Scout in his future...
I went on my annual Girls Cruise with some of my best girlfriends - Linda, me, Gina & Eloisa. We went to the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Bahamas. Unfortunately I didn't have a very good time as I came down with the H1N1 flu on day 2 - let's just say I'll have a lot to make up for on next year's cruise!!!
The kids went to a Halloween party the night before Trick or Treating at our friend Sandra & Travis' house - they had a blast!
My 3 goblins on Halloween - ready to take off for the loads of candy waiting for them . . .
We hosted a life group for our church's Reset Spiritual Campaign for 6 weeks. When the 6 weeks was up last week, we had the option of continuing on with our group or leaving, well, with this group there was NO QUESTION - they're the best, and we can't wait to continue on with all of them and see where God and life take us... Not the best picture, Betty took the original and framed them all for us, so I actually took a picture of her picture! From top left clockwise: Jeff Shepherd, Wes Page, Shawn, Barb Kaminski, Dena Page, Betty Shepherd, me, Andrea Bruick, Mike Kaminski and Jason Bruick - Love you guys!!!
1 comment:
Bethie!! I heard about the h1n1. We had it too!!! I think you look hot and tan considering you had it, but after having it...I can't imagine being on a cruise with it. Hopefully you guys can go back on your cruise sooner ;).
Your life group looks awesome!! I am so proud of you guys. God will do great things through your group.
And the boys look so adorable for Halloween. This is has to be your first year in a while not being at Holiday World?
Well, I am glad you guys are all healthy!!! Love you and Miss You girl!!! Shan
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