It's been a great Labor Day weekend for us. I wish I had more pictures to document the weekend, but I only got some from our afternoon on our friend Bruce's boat below.
We grilled out with friends, got free Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, watched the Buckeye game (I LOVE FOOTBALL!!!), went for a 28 mile bike ride with Shawn on our friend Sandra & Travis' tandem bicycle, had a great brunch at John's house after, and took the kids on their first boating trip out on Geist Reservoir. It was a busy but really fun weekend!
So check out the boat pics - probably the most amazing thing for me was watching my 4 year old water ski!!! Yes you heard me right - he WATER SKIIED! Our friend Juli and her 6 year old daughter went on Bruce's boat with us, and Addison is quite the little skier. Blake was so mesmerized that he wanted to try it (and Evan and Grant wanted NO PART of something that "dangerous"). Well Addie's ski board was pretty cool - it lets them water ski without actually using the tether to help keep them up out of the water. They hold onto the tether, which is connected to the ski, but the boat pulls the board. They just have to balance - very cool, so if you have young kids who like the water, I would highly suggest this! Blake can't wait to do it again - even after wiping out twice! Yep, he's definitely my "no-fear daredevil"!
Hope you all had a great Labor Day as well!!!
After his first wipeout, he was a trooper and got right back on the skis. Bruce (clapping in the background) helped him get stabilized, and then he took off!
Even Evan had a great time, mainly b/c they let him drive the boat!
Near the end of our 4 hour tour, Grant finally decided to brave the water and went tubing with daddy!